EU-Russia relations Studies Abroad

Studies of relations between Russia and the European Union in our country and abroad (1992-2015).

The current stage of research of relations between Russia and the European Union dates back to 1992. Firstly, there were significant changes in our country (the collapse of the USSR and the emergence of a new foreign policy), in the European Union (transition from predominantly economic integration to political) and in the world (the disintegration of the bipolar system), and, consequently, in relations between Moscow and Brussels in 1992. Secondly, the study of international relations has transformed in Russia since 1992: de-ideologization was under way; dialogue with foreign scientists was expanding. Thirdly, the political request for understanding the relations between Russia and the EU was changing on both sides.

The article considers the problems of research of relations between Russia and the EU in 1992-2015. in our country and abroad. The subject areas and methods are analyzed. In Russia, the issues of EU enlargement, foreign policy cooperation and economic relations dominate. read more

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Series of research briefs

We offer our readers a series of research briefs that reveal the most interesting components of relations between Russia and the European Union from the point of view of foreign authors. The briefs were prepared by the specialists of the Centre: T.A. Romanova (head), A.V. Izotov, N.G. Zaslavskaya, D.A. Levi.