Winter Intensive Courses in 2018

The work of the second winter school on European integration and topical issues of relations "The European Union and the relations between Russia and the European Union today" was completed on January 24-25, 2018. The majority listeners of the school were representatives of the city administration and municipal bodies, as well as members of non-governmental organizations, teachers of the city"s universities, entrepreneurs.

This school makes it possible to provide informational and methodological support to researchers dealing with the issues of the European Union. "This is some kind of analytical expert educational program aimed at comprehension and attempt to present various points of view on the most problematic issues of European integration, as well as relations between Russia and the European Union," said T.A. Romanova, associate professor of SPbSU.
During the winter school listeners attended lectures on the problems of the EU development, security concerns, terrorist threats; Also, the topics of populism in the decision-making process, lobbying and how they manifest themselves in the European integration, problems and cooperation between Russia and the European Union in the region of common neighborhood were touched upon during the classes. In 2018, great attention was paid to the organization of cybersecurity and the popularization of cryptocurrencies in the EU. The lectures were delivered by associate professors of St. Petersburg State University T.А. Romanova, D.A. Levy and A.V. Izotov.